Tuesday, May 8, 2012

In the Land of Stooges...I'd be Larry

Yep - that would be me on the right...Larry. The least of the stooges.

You might be asking..."Why, Michelle, would you be Larry?"

Well let me tell you about last week...

Sunday I fell out of bed. (Read previous post for THAT story...)

Monday I wrenched my shoulder trying to be all She-Ra on the service elevator door. See, I was too short to turn on the light...so I was trying to do things in the dark. And when I pulled the elevator door down, I overestimated the strength needed...it bounced back up and...voila.

Tuesday I dropped a heavy picture on my foot. I saw the flash of light in my head that is usually reserved for when the RoadRunner drops an Acme product on the coyote. And then the swelling and bruising that followed.

Now, this post may sound like a cry for sympathy...but I promise that it's not.  No, this is an acknowledgement of my own stupidity, overtiredness, and, yes, clumsiness.

So how does this equate to Larry, you'd like to know?  So glad you asked.

Moe was the "brains" of the operation - and kinda cruel about it too. He's the one who would poke the other guys in the eyes, hit them with hammers, and cuff 'em upside the back of the head. I'm no Moe.

Curly was the cute one with the "Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk!" He was the one who would duck out of the way when Moe would swing the hammer, letting it hit Larry instead. Don't get me wrong, he took his lumps, too, but he was quick to get out of the way.

Which brings us to Larry.  Sweet, loveable, unsuspecting Larry.  Larry had a temper, too...but he never acted on it.  Larry took it on the chin, in the eye, and upside the back of the head.  He wasn't the brains and he wasn't the cutie...he was the straight man. Larry's "catchphrase" (if you can call it that) was "Why I oughtta..."  But then he never did. He rolled with the punches and just kept getting up. Larry had compassion. Larry had brains (though Moe never listened to him). Larry was sweet. And yes, Larry was bruised.

I guess when it comes right down to it, it's not so bad being Larry.

Hey...wanna hold this nail for me while I get the hammer out?

Living, learning and laughing,

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