Friday, May 25, 2012

Anticipation...It's Making Me Wait

Remember that song? Remember how they used it for YEARS as a ketchup commercial?  It used to get stuck in my head. It wasn’t until years later I knew it was a song first…and a commercial jingle later.

And as kids we used to sing “Anticipation, and constipation…they’re making me wait…”  Classy, eh?
This weekend coming up is a 3-day weekend. This means SO many things…

·         An extra day to clean
·         An extra day to sleep in
·         A parade
·         Cookouts
·         Time with family
·         Time with friends
·         Shopping
·         Movies
·         Etc…
It also means that today will take FOREVER to get to 5:00pm…quitting time. It’s true that anticipation makes time creep by…making us wait.

As I looked over Facebook this morning, I also saw many many reminders that the true reason for our 3-day weekend is that it’s Memorial Day…a day of remembrance for those who died in wars defending our freedom.

I’m reminded about waiting again…
Every soldier who died had someone waiting for them at home…who never got to see them again.

Every soldier who died was anxiously waiting to go home…and not in a casket.
Every soldier who lived or died, and everyone on the home front awaits a day when peace will make it unnecessary to wager war.

So on this 3-day weekend, may you enjoy your movies, cookouts, shopping, and time with loved ones, and may we all remember with gratitude and solemnity those who have lost their lives for the opportunities that we have in the freedom we enjoy.

Living, learning, laughing,Michelle

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